Hello there, welcome!
This here is the personal/business website of Andy Pataki, a Freelance Full Stack (Web) Developer.
I specialize in "front-of-the-front-end" (e.g. UX focused, heavy-duty CSS+HTML) and React+TypeScript work, but I have many years of full stack development experience to fall back on if your project requires me to play all registers.
I live and work in Paks, Hungary in the GMT+1 (aka CET) timezone, serving clients based in the Americas and Europe.
Dev Milestones
The first time I published an HTML page on the internet.
The first time I got paid to make HTML pages for a company.
The first time I got paid to execute based on a Photoshop website mockup by building it with HTML and styling it completely with CSS.
The first time I got paid to build a full stack web app (PHP+MySQL back-end, HTML+CSS front-end with minimal plain JavaScript).
The first time I got paid to build something (a folder structure browser within a web app) that took real advantage of JavaScript and AJAX.
The first time I got paid to build a web app using my currently preferred set of front-end technologies (React, TypeScript and CSS BEM).
The first time I got paid to build something serious with SuiteScript 2.1 (the scripting language for the NetSuite ERP platform).
E-mail: andyXX@XXiamgrid.co.uk